Friday, May 11, 2007

Pairing Them with Pointy Flats Doesn't Make It Okay

If I were to use a word that describes how I feel about overalls, that word would be "repulsion." I remember, in sixth grade, I started feeling all this pressure to wear cool clothes, and, at some point, I kind of resolved to just wear denim overall shorts like everyday. Perhaps I paired them with a bodysuit, or something crushed velvet. The point is, overalls are one of those items that I just didn't think would be "back" any time soon.

But surprise, surprise, overalls are all over Face Hunter (as this droopy/sassy number pair are) and Hel Looks and what have you. To be honest, she looks less like a hipster and more like someone who's one step away from wearing Skechers, but she's probably just French or something. The point is: overalls are creeping into some people's wardrobes the same way they appear to be creeping into this ladies crotch. You have been forewarned.

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