Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Sack of My Own

I read a lot of fashion blogs, and it has become increasingly popular for writers to take pictures of themselves and post them, which is interesting because it is both a window into the personal style of the author, and a way to keep tabs on those who claim to know a lot about fashion- sometimes I see these photos and think, "Why am I listening to someone who would wear THAT?" Plus, it goes along with the popularity of both the numerous Street Style websites and such communities as Wardrobe Remix on Flickr, which feature head-t0-toe outfit shots.

After looking more closely at the overturned slipper and overall blurriness of this shot, it's actually pretty embarrassing that I am choosing this to represent myself, but I picked it because it features a trend this season: the babydoll/tent dress that I have mentioned/bad-mouthed in oh so many posts. This dress is a children's 70's dress that I bought on eBay for about $10 that was originally floor-length. I shortened it, rather badly, but I was really proud of myself because I can never manage to alter anything. And even though it's too tight in the chest because it was made for a twelve year old, it definitely has the retro, way less sacky shape that tent dresses had in the past as opposed to the straightforward sackiness of, say, this.


  1. what the hell is going on with those sleeves? have you been drinking the kool-aid? electric kool aid acid test? is this a cry for help?!!

  2. i have TWO dresses with sleeves like this. it's psychedelic or something.

  3. psychedelic? don't lay that trip on me, man!

  4. well, they're not as puffy as they appear.
