Friday, June 29, 2007

Beyonce: Back In Action, In a Good Way

I can't tell you how happy I am that Beyonce seems back to her curvacious, spangled glory. As Simone says, this harkens back to the days of golden hot pants and glorious weaves, purple glittering mini dresses and huge earrings aplenty. "Fierce" is the only way to describe this look- who else could wear the famed Balenciaga gold robot $100K leggings and look less like a stick-like and sexless version of R2-D2's gay friend and more like Barbarella? If you're going to be a huge pop star, you might as well embrace the inherit campiness of your profession and be all you can be. Big hair, golden leggings, that intense look in your eye, and a metal bikini top.

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