Friday, July 13, 2007


I really love looking at most of the men's fashion in The Sartorialist , a street blog with a more upper crust/high fashion/ menswear slant. I'm always amazed he manages to find such well-dressed men, standing around on street corners in three piece suits and boater hats and all these other things I hope I would wear if I were a boy (or, uh, a man.)

However, the women he chooses to photograph are invariably very thin, very tall, and wearing some sort of baggy neutral outfit that looks like it cost thousands of dollars. They never seem to have the quirky details or the unique touches that the men do.

Every comment on this look is a rave, which I guess has something to do with the fact that this woman is an editor or something. Well, I think pretty much everything about this outfit is horrifying. She's so thin she looks rather ill, her skin is the color of leather, and this dress is sacky and boring to the extreme (it's probably Lanvin or something, but I think you can get the same one at H&M.) How is this inspirational? It probably cost a ridiculous amount of money, especially when you add in the shoes, which I think have might have clear panels in them, and are the types that look so uncomfortable/about to be ripped off by Bebe that you may as well have just gone for flats. Plus, a highlighted blowout- what imagination and daring it must have took to wear such a hairstyle!


  1. I also looked at that lady and thought, "holy christ! that lady needs a sandwich!" Yeah, the men's fashion on the sartorialist is invariably fabulous and cute and I often find myself thinking, "where can i find me a (young) man like that?" But the women... I mean, it's like he has a woman on there that's a size 6 and he's all, "look at her curves! she's so curvaceous! and yet, she's wearing a sack dress, so good for her!"
    BAH indeed.
