Saturday, July 7, 2007

More Bland Ugly from American Apparel

Not that I want to rant about American Apparel again or anything, but I fucking hate American Apparel. It's really hard to not go into the rant about Dov Chaney/ overpriced crap/ offensive advertisements/ slavish hipster following, but somehow I'll resist. And I'll simply say, My, is this t-shirt ugly! The sweetheart neckline is one that is meant to be fitted into a tight bodice, not drooping around one's chest like so many sacks. Aside from that, it doesn't need to be added to a t-shirt in the first place. The beauty of a neckline is that it actually touches your neck, thus framing your face, not creating some sort of double necklined- monster.

It reminds me of those faux-vests that had fronts but no backs that that were attached to t-shirts when I was a child. Does anyone remember those? When I was a kid I was sitting around with an oversized t-shirt tucked into my leggings and I still knew those were tacky.


  1. I bought some tank tops there once. The whole time I was shopping, I felt uncomfortable because I kept looking up into a model's crotch every time I averted my gaze from the floor...

  2. Sometimes I find myself wanting stuff from there, but then I talk myself out of it. Plus, that stuff is usually like a gray t-shirt that isn't really as hard to find as American Apparel would have you think.

  3. A recent ad (Nov19/07) on the back cover of In Touch Weekly magazine shows a model in a provacative pose portraying a young girl. Using sex to sell clothes is one matter, but to indicate child porn is crossing the line.

  4. Me, too, me too! I hate American Apparel. They pimp their clothing on the bods of their models. And their clothes are butt-ugly, dull as yesterday's dish water, and priced to support corporate greed. Just ick!
