Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Intense Review of the L.A.M.B Show: I Sort of Discuss Fashion Week!

L.A.M.B.'s tulle dress from the fall shows (left) looks quite a bit like Alexander McQueen's on the right (from a few seasons ago.) However, while McQueen's version is beautiful and well-executed, and accompanied by interesting hair and white-faced that makeup that is ghostly and interesting and 17th century inspired , Gwen Stefani's looks like a sloppy homemade prom dress. I don't know if she was trying to cinch in the waist there, but if so, she definitely failed. Her makeup and hair choices are pretty boring, with a slight continuation of the hot-right-now cat eye and some sort of biggish messy hair.

While there are a few cute (if not particularly inspired) looks in her collection, the "ska" vibe mentioned in the description overall kind of reminds me of a "retro" Airwalk ad from 1996 that I can't find. (Who remembers those? Simone?) and then some of the looks are just dismal. Plus, my god are these models skinny! I mean, I'm pretty used to horribly skinny models, but my god!


  1. I know exactly what you're talking about. I thought those ads were AWESOME and I actually had one taped to my wall. My "thinspiration," if you will.

    Anyway, who is gwen stefani to sue forevs 21 when she's soooo OBVIOUSLY ripping off McQueen, and so crappily. I mean, the shit f21 makes is a better rip off of the stuff it rips off, and it costs like 15$. Do you know how much this LAMB shit costs? like, hundreds of dollars. Gwen Stefani is a dumb shit and I hate her.

    Also models are really painfully skinny and creepy right now. Like, more so than ever before. What gives?

  2. yeah, the more i look at her harajuku lovers line, the more of a huge rip-off of other things i see it is. like, she (or whoever really designed that stuff) totally ripped off hysteric glamour for the logo, and the shoes are just converse with harajuku lovers written allover them.

    oh gwen stefani, you suck. have you seen her new perfume ad? she keeps whispering "i want you allover me." ewwwww.
