Sunday, November 18, 2007

Seal of Approval

I have to say, it's impossible to hate Amy Winehouse. Like, really impossible. Sure, her music is pretty blah and most of the time her 21-inch hips are stuffed into some boring outfit that looks like it came from Aeropostale by way of Crackton, but I tell you I don't care. The way she looks like a homeless B-52 and her hair is five feet high and looks like it is hiding buried treasure and her teeth are fucked up and she has her real nose and her eyeliner looks like a five year old did it and I'm always reading stuff like, "Amy Winehouse reportedly told the BBC to 'piss off'" or "Amy Winehouse left her VMA in the bathroom," well, it's all pretty endearing. I mean, I know supposedly she's a drug addict, but so is everyone else and they never do it with such style, you know?

PS: This title comes from, when, in high school, Naira and I would give the "seal of approval" to people we didn't hate. Not very many people received the seal, so it was a rare honor. Probably like ten people got it or something. And they all should have got tattoos and formed a secret society of people we kind of liked, but not enough to be our real friends.

PPS: Also, Gaby saw Amy Winehouse in an Aldo last summer- class! That's all.


  1. In fairness to my beloved AW, I do have to note that she was in front of the Aldo, not inside. I was unable to determine whether she had been inside the Aldo at any point, and if so, if she had bought any of those weird black leather platform sandals that they were selling last summer. God, I love Aldo.


  2. i don't know, i think aldo is kind of like the EXACT store i would picture amy winehouse shopping at. i thinks he bought some pointy toe zebra-print flats there.

    also, last night i had a dream that you and simone owned this abaondoned 1950's middle school that connected to your partment and you guys threw huge, complex parties in the different rooms and were overall like superstars.

  3. PS: i hope you took all my advice to heart!!!!

  4. just thought you might wanna see what katie k's LJ has to say about winehouse...

    although i agree with you


  5. i can't say there are any obvious freddie mercury/amy winehouse parallels i can see.

  6. come on! the teeth? the complexion? i mean, she is by no means ugly, and i agree with you that she is kind of amazing, kind of, but she's totally got a mercury type thing going on.

  7. i guess they are both a bit pale and snaggletoothed, but freddie mercury was so strapping:

    am i crazy in thinking freddie mercury was, overall, much more conventionally attractive than winehouse?

    look at him, he's a god:

  8. maybe part 2 of "i love the 70s" should address this issue...

  9. mary,

    what if i wore white jeans and a wife beater and a studded braclet thing up around my bicep? would i be a god too?


  10. only if you preceded it with a glam rock stage in which you wore a sequined jumpsuit cut to the navel.

    part of mercury's appeal is that he went form a typical glam rocker who looks gay in general, to a tom of finland/stereotypical gay type look:
