Monday, December 3, 2007

Photos of Inspiration


  1. This is my first time at your blog & I'm really enjoying it (especially the post earlier this month about Christina Ricci), and DAMN, that third picture from the bottom, of the 2 ladies in matching bikinis? FREAKING AMAZING. I think it may be my favorite picture I've EVER SEEN.

  2. thanks! i'm pretty sure it's a diane arbus photo. i've been meaning to get a book of her work for a long time.

  3. Yeah, that photo of the two ladies is pretty amazing. It's very Rockaway Beach or something. Like, what are they doing at the beach? Breaking up other people's volleyball games? Maybe they are in a gang that fights other gangs who wear different matching bikinis.

    I also really like the picture with the clam ladies and lobster man (or whatever he is). What is it from?


  4. i know! it is very rockaway beach! they look like inbred long island girls.

    the last picture is from a live action alice in wonderland film from the 80's. it's that really depressing scene on the beach where the walrus eats the clams.

  5. alice in wonderland is pretty creepy.
