Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Validity of the Skort

I'm sorry I have to do another post about the early 90's, but, like a train wreck, I cannot help but watch from the sidelines with fascinated horror. I recently tried looking for shorts on eBay (not recommended) because my fav pair of red sailor shorts from H&M perished in the fire, and I really need a solid pair of shorts for the summer, even though shorts are something I pretty much decided I could never wear for the years 1999-2005, having too many bad memories of bulky, riding-up denim, and horrible flashbacks of my grave enemy, the skort. But then I got back on the shorts train- not to be confused with the shorts train wreck I'm writing about here.

Anyway, what's important is that ten million pairs of early to mid 90's rompers, onesies, and general Blossom-wear popped up, all going for ridic prices from those special hipster eBay sellers who advertise their shit in trendy ways and somehow get people to pay exhorbitant prices for things that they OBVIOUSLY got at a thrift store for 1.99. This type of thing bugs me to no end because, basically, people cannot manage to go down to their local thrift store and find something themselves for that price (or find it on eBay for the same price, but in a less glam-looking auction) but are willing to pay $75 (literally some of this stuff went for that much, like the cotton-poly floral dress at top left) for something because someone else styled it for them. Once they see it advertised on some lank girl with oxford shoes they realize how trendy and COOL it is to wear something floral denim, and bid up a storm.

It is reflective of some horrible lack of creativity and eye for clothing and how to wear it in general, but I guess that's why there are boutique stores and stylists and fancy displays- because people need to be told what to wear, and how to wear it. And, that, my friends, is what trends are- they gently let people know that it's cute and new all over again to wear a flowy skort, and then everyone mindlessly pays $60 for a flowy skort because they've seen other people do it, and nobody ever questions the validity of the skort! Do you think anybody would have been caught dead in a rayon floral romper from 1994 two years ago? Or even high waisted anything?

It's just so weird to me how things get popular only when saturation has reached a certain level, and it becomes acceptable (but not too acceptable, because then it's, like, boring!!!! (Speaking of which, who else has noticed that the neon trend has already reached saturation point and no one on the Face Hunter would be caught dead in it anymore? (Here's a tip: beige is the word.)))


  1. Yeah, that is some weird, sick shit. I love how adding really ugly sunglasses to any early 90s apparel makes it that much hotter.

    No really, I am absolutely appalled that someone spent $75 on that piece of shit. You could find that in any homeless clothing donation box anywhere in the whole world.

    I love this blog, please keep writing about awful retro-90s trends.

  2. ps OMG I just noticed the Indian Princess tattoo on the chick in the oh man, who does she think she is?

  3. pps. wow, for fun after reading this I had to look up "romper" on ebay...and although this auction doesn't exactly fit your criteria, it has some really choice photos:

  4. hipsters love retro depictions of native americans! i have seen so many pictures of hipster parties with girls in american apparel wearing "warpaint" and feather headdresses. it's fun!

    wow, that romper is so unspeakably foul it deserves a post of it's own.

  5. I want to know at what point you'll decide to cross over from indignation into nihilism and start selling cotton floral dresses at a %500 profit margin.

  6. yeah, mary, when ARE we going to start grifting these idiots like we've always wanted to? huh? 75$! insanity! we must cash in on these retards!

  7. they have to wear the yick sunglasses because really, who would want their face shown in those prints!?

  8. Rompers (NOT THAT ONE! NOT THAT ONE!) are excellent when paired with rollerskates.

    I think the point to be understood in fashion is that there are good ways to do things, and there are miserable/unfair to the rest of us/susceptible to intential damage ways to do things. People with taste can judge for themselves.
