Wednesday, August 6, 2008

40s and 50s Novelty Print Swimsuits

Summer is sort of almost over, but vintage novelty print swimsuits are eternally wonderful. You may have already my many other novelty print themed posts, as they are some of my favorite things. Why novelty prints are no longer considered acceptable for nice clothing these days baffles me. Should prints of telephones or household items be relegated to pajama fabric? No, I say. They're capable of so much more.

This delightful swimsuit is decorated with that classic summertime pastime, the barbeque. I recently bought a set of glasses from the 50's with a very similar pattern.
Pretty fantasic!

This is for a young kid (see, we've always sexualized female children!) but the unusual shape and ruching is really what made me save this photo. I personally wouldn't categorize floral as a novelty print, unless the flowers had eyes.
This amazing swimsuit makes me think of hanging out in the Deco part of Miami in the 40s, wearing flowers in your hair and big platforms. Obviously it's weathered a few storms, but I think the detail on this suit is pretty amazing and unique, like the pink ripples the flamingos are standing in.

Yeah, that's right. This swimsuit has RECORDS all over it. The color combination and print almost looks 80s, but that's just because the 80's copied the 50's a lot. Also, unfortunately a kid's suit.
And lastly, this glorious suit, whose print you can't really see, but whatever. This had shooting stars all over it, and is pretty much the swimsuit I would have murdered somebody to get in high school. I did not win the auction, though I probably should have as this swimsuit is worth its weight in gold to me.

1 comment:

  1. i would have killed for that star swimsuit for you... please ask me to kill for you!
