Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Love Simon Doonan

After hearing Barney's creative director/writer/witty commentator Simon Doonan and interior design guru/Top Design judge Jonathan Adler got married, I was filled with a rare sense of happiness for them that rarely occurs at a wedding. Even though I obviously hate Top Design because it's totally boring and just features boring people raiding some Pier One-esque warehouse to arrange stupid furniture in boring room, I have nothing against Jonathan Adler, and have always appreciated his bright color combinations both in the home and on his person. Simon Doonan, on the other hand, I totally love. In an age when it's super-popular for fashiony gays to sweep into people's lives on TV and "fix" them, Doonan has always advocated for quirky, personal style and celebrating who you are instead of looking trendy, neat, plastic, and boring.

Here's a great quote by him on plastic surgery: "I am completely opposed to it. I understand it with performers who might want to extend their careers, but the whole concept of being antiaging (sic) is very questionable to me. Regular people torturing their faces, it's nasty. Learn to glue on false eyelashes. Don't become Jocelyn Wildenstein when you can be Louise Nevelson." (Photo of sculptor Nevelson below)

On fashion designer Donna Karan's new age tendencies: "Donna Karan, who spends more time casting runes than casting fashion shows." (Bitch names names! Love it!)

On accusations that Marc Jacobs' [The MJ of olde, I assume] clothes aren't sexy enough: "Shouldn’t he be given some kind of Bella Abzug feminist-empowerment fashion award for helping girls to say no to “ho”?"

On Disco Bloodbath: "It is the best book I have ever read."

Should this not impress you, check out the photo gallery on his website, featurning some pretty amazing drag. Doonan encompasses everything I love in a celeb: sarcastic, bold, witty, and committed to fabulous, with the all-important dose of not-taking one's self too seriously. Todd Oldham, Amy Sedaris, Simon Doonan, and Jonathan Adler (all connected, in some way) should invite me over for a dinner party at their house. That is my dream. I hope he and Jonathan Adler live out the rest of their lives in intense, hilarious glamour.

1 comment:

  1. Simon Doonan is the best! I haven't been watching top design, because it sucks so bad, but i really hope they changed "see you later, alligator" to some other "peace out" phrase.
