Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weak Ass Halloween Costumes and the "Celebrities" Who Wear Them

So lately I have not really had any time to post, or call anyone back, or do anything for some reason. But I'm trying to keep up a better posting schedule, and then I thought, how about another post about how I hate Lauren Conrad, but this time, focusing on her crappy Halloween costume? How about, in fact, changing the name of this blog to Anyway, nice "flapper" outfit! Is it really so hard to put on period makeup and hair and get something that actually resembles a dress from the 20's? No, it's not. Especially when you have makeup artists and millions of dollars (for some reason) at your disposal. She looks like she got the costume from the dress-up bin at the Ye Olde Tyme Photo Booth down at the Six Flags. She probably doesn't even know what a flapper is. To illustrate, below is one of my favorite photos of Clara Bow. Who knew they had gold slouch boots in the 20's?

On the plus/non-hating Lauren Conrad side, one of my favorite bloggers, the aforementioned Tricia Royal of Bits and Bobbins, posted my outfit photo on her wardobe_remixers of the week post. Thanks! And if you don't know who I am, perhaps it will be fun to guess based on various withering comments I've made on this blog!


  1. yeah, so when ARE you going to call me back, exactly? Lauren Conrad is the worst. Call me and we can talk about it. on the phone.

  2. I guessed which one you were, sort of by process of elimination, but also because I liked your outfit. :)

  3. i was thinking some of me leggings-related comments might have helped picking which was me.
