Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lots of Photos/Lots of Fun!

Who's ready to be unique this summer? Are you? Here are the ingredients for the recipe of creativity and everlasting cool:    

1. Please note that bowler hats can be worn with pale blue 90's shorts, a blazer, a long shirt that you pretend is a floppy dress, no pants, and/or dominatrix-y shoes.

2. How about chambray? Everyone loves it now! Try pairing it with tight black leggings or shorts!

3. Add a dash of ill-fitting cut-offs. Also, don't forget your bowler or that horrible, huge, black fringed bag. They always look good paired with a striped shirt and dramatic pose:

4. Or a have I mentioned a huge t-shirt worn as a dress? With black tights? And oversized glasses? Which people I guess are still wearing? Yes?

5. There may have been a time when you would have been like, "Harem pants? What?" Get in the now! That time was so two years ago! Make sure your crotch area flaps in the wind!

6. If you've been waiting to wear leggings and a hat, and also shred your leggings artfully, don't delay: the time is NOW! PS: If you don't have a huge bag, make sure it's tiny and 80's! PPS: Don't forget your oversized chambray shirt!

7. This segues nicely into plaid! And more bowler hats! And more shredded leggings! And more 80's purses!

8. Leather jackets! Those are back too! And there's one way to wear them: with a stupid hat and quilted faux Chanel bag!

In conclusion, all you need to do to look GREAT is combine these unique looks. It's no accident that every single person in the world is latching onto them too; they're simply that great and timeless.  


  1. I swear to god I thought that was Simone in the very first picture. I had to keep examining it. I think it's her smile? I must be nutz.

  2. You forgot the main ingredient: thiness.These outfits would be even more unflattering on someone with substantial bulk and curves.

  3. Simone would never wear a bowler hat! But I can see some facial resemblance,

    Lizbit, you are so right about me overlooking that- but then again, conveniently only thin people are into "fashion" and are designers and have fashion blogs and whatnot. Unless they're gay men.

  4. you speak the truth. In fact, since I am above a size 14 and obsess over fashion, perhaps I don't exist, or am actually a gay man.It's the only way I can comprehend my existence.

    PS: search Fatshionista. There are more of us unicorns/gay men than the fashion world thinks.

  5. I'm on a fashion blog reading binge and trying to get off of it... you're slowly helping me realize what a brainless robot I've been for actually believing a lot of these bloggers had "unique" style! THANK YOUUUU!
