Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mr. Smithers! Mr. Smithers! I found another hurt shrew!

Hey guys, Sorry for lying in the last post. I have not forsaken this blog, but I get no internet connection here, and every time I try to write this post the connection peters out and it takes me like twenty minutes and then I give up, and thus I can't really post (and am afraid to look in my email inbox, which probably has 450 new messages, the majority of which are eBay saved searches.) So, I am taking a brief hiatus! Please check back after October 1st. I was going to make this an inspiration photo post, because those take little to no effort, but it's taking too long. Anyway,  when I get back into normal society I'll have a fresh take on the latest trends. Who knows what tiny hats are being perched upon the heads of people this very moment?

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