Friday, December 18, 2009

Shameless Post About Models! Part One

First of all, poor Brittany Murphy! There was a time when I just resented the blondification of Hollywood starlets and Britney Spears and all that, but now I can't help but think how all these young women and more are just routinely victimized by the Hollywood system- especially those who were child stars who must feel that they have to adapt or die. Anyway, I always liked the first version of Brittany Murphy, and the whole thing makes me depressed, particularly when thought about on a large scope....

But anyway, here's part one of a post about models I'm too lazy to finish!

If you read my blog, you know that I don't really post photos of models or fashion editorials and the like, because I think we get enough of these images and they rarely inspire me/are ultimately meant to make you feel bad about yourself and distance you from the high falutin- world of fashion. However, I have been reading/looking at Vogue since I was in like fourth grade, and, as a result, I have always been pretty well-versed in the Vogue version of the high fashion world. And, over the years, I have come to appreciate certain models.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the kind of model I hate the most is the type who is just an inoffensively pretty, tall and skinny blonde, because models should at the least be an opportunity to celebrate unique, strange, and commanding beauty. Obviously fashion models conform to sexist standards set by the fashion industry, but sometimes they simultaneously do make you question what is "pretty." So obviously models are bad and are supposed to make you feel bad about yourself and blah blah, but it doesn't mean model trends and which model is a babe isn't worth examining, right?

When I was a fourth grader studying Vogue, the reign of the sort of curvaceous and stompy early 90's supermodel (Cindy, Naomi, Christy, blahblahblah) was giving way to women who were less typically pretty type.

As the photo below illustrates, late 80's/early 90's models were of the mega-babe variety, not as much the pubescent waif. Look at Cindy Crawford (second from right)! She wouldn't be able to model today for sure, but she was definitely a hottie. Same goes for Stephanie Seymour (far right) and the always outrageous Naomi Campbell, pictured further below. Also, check out the Clueless style outfits!

They all look like Gina Gershon in Showgirls! Such great bitchface!

These models are the kind that a drag queen might emulate, as opposed to the models of today, who are usually younger and look it.

Perhaps I rate whether a drag queen would like something a little too much, but come on! Look at Naomi Campbell here! These ladies were women, not girls.

Anyway, onto some more models... in another post because this one is already pretty long...

1 comment:

  1. I just found your website and spent the past few days reading the entire archive. It is awesome and hilarious and suuuuuch a refreshing change from the pretentious 'hipsters' I am forced to encounter in real life and online. KEEP IT UP MAN!
