Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fashion Victims & Their Medical Supplies

The harnessed and hobbled high-fashion S&M look is so right now. Everyone loves the studding, bondage, and S&M connotations, but it has little of the homemade original punk/goth look- instead it's all about the controlled, artsy, cleaned-up designer version. Kind of like Lady Gaga (Everyone's over her, aren't they?) if Lady Gaga had no flare. It's weird because this look is supposed to be so "edgy" and dark but really it is much more Vogue magazine, and much more sanitized than your classic leather-daddy wear. Also, this look is very big in New York right now, especially with the fashion gays. People just love to be unique in the same way, you know?

Speaking of edgy, check this out!

A fashion image of image of a model wearing a leg brace and orthopedic shoes, the kind for people with one leg shorter than the other! I think this is so brave and daring of them, and so compellingly erotic at the same time. What I am wondering is: When will Raf Simons make the $8,000 version of each of these pieces???

Here is a harness by "Skingraft," because skingrafts are like totally sexy and edgy, at least in theory, right?

Let's let these photos speak for themselves.

This is designer Raf Simons. I think he's responsible for this shit. He certainly looks responsible.

In: being skinny (transgressive), being pale/white, wearing white/black, shaving the sides of your head, bowl cuts, gladiators, girls who look like models, guys who look like female models, looking lank, flash photography, neautrals, poncho capes, hoods, mesh, low cut tanktops, a twist of the early 90's hip hop, sloppy shants/harem pants. Wearing a single earring.

It's like everyone's misplacing their flamboyance, and wants to be dramatic and interesting but doesn't know how. What will these people be wearing when this look is over? I think many of them were probably "nu ravers" (remember them???) not long ago. Anyway, everyone in New York is such a fashion victim and everyone thinks they look great and also came up with their great look on their own and did not first see it in Nylon magazine or on a hundred other people!!!!


  1. Everybody looks like they're swathed in soiled leprosy bandages.

  2. God, I fucking agree and have thought this for awhile but didn't know how to articulate it (or really care that much to try.) So, thanks. This whole faux-goth style that seems totally snobbish and pretentious is not only unoriginal because hoards of people are doing the same thing but it's BORING! I'm sorry, but wearing all black, regardless of the different fabrics and draping methods, is not at all inspiring. But then again maybe that is just my opinion.

    Oh, and the dude third pic from bottom creeps me the fuck out

  3. Yeah, it IS a creepy look- everyone looks like a blank-eyed futuristic fashion robot. I'm sure they're all high as kites.

    Also, it's such a fashion version of a more aggressive goth or classic leather daddy S&M look.

  4. hahaha that is so true! gross

  5. If you read the text, you would see I completely disagree.

  6. Nice idea. Fashion with medical supplies is a different thing. It is really a fashion with futuristic touch.

  7. None of those people are Raf Simons you IMBECILE!

  8. Who cares who is Raf Simons and who isn't. Sorry, it is some other pasty Belgian with a bowl cut.
