Friday, March 21, 2008

The Clothing Graveyard: A Tribute to My Departed Brethren

I have decided to post photos of my dresses that are now gone from this world, and pay tribute to them as best as I can. Let's start things off with this photo Simone took of me on Mission street, which doesn't really show the outfit that well because I'm not standing in the light, but whatever.

Anyway, Simone bought me this dress on eBay, I think for my birthday, and the fact that it is gone is something we are both having some trouble getting over. It was a late 30's, lightweight cotton floral dress with the best shape and deco-inspired details, like the red piping and collar. Not surprisingly, I don't really love modern floral prints, but ones from this period are really cute. This was such a great dress, from pretty much my favorite fashion era, and of course I will never be able to get another one.

I'm wearing it with these peach and gold sunglasses that I stole from Ross after Simone's graduation from high school in 2001. For some reason I walked around also wearing this red cowboy hat with a feather in it that day, which my mother hated so much she actually came into my room when I wasn't there and threw it away, but I thought the look was very Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver at the time (in my defense, this was only one day- this wasn't a look I wore a lot.) I miss those glasses a lot too. They started to look a lot hipper recently, as they were sort of a retarded, flashy cousin to a Wayfarer.

The green vinyl scalloped 40's belt actually made it- I pulled it out of the rubble- so I won't have to meditate on its demise. It's really fabulous, and actually Simone bought me that too, at Inside Vintage in Olympia, Washingston, so you can see I really owe her as a friend.

Lastly, that vintage straw bag, probably 50's-early 60's, was really cute- I got it at my mother's store, Mary's Exchange, and was wearing it when I got my photo taken.

Anyway, like all my clothes got destroyed, so there's more to come! Hopefully with clearer photos!

Coming soon: My silver 60's dress and why that may be the greatest loss of all.

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