The last photo is of me attempting this look. You can't see my pin but it's Victorian and has children on it. (I'm planning on doing a Victorian jewelery post anyway later- and I bet everyone's excited!) It was accidently put through the washing machine but survived, which is a testament to the quality of old stuff. Normally I try to avoid posting photos of myself, but I feel proud I added this border, which I think has a daguerrotype feel. The dress is from the fifties, but the fifties were, in some ways, a throwback to the nipped-in waists and structured femininity of the late 1800's. It's a Lanz, which is a preppy vintage label I have always loved. Also that door is 200 years old or something so I am so vintage.
Can you guess which photo is of a post-mortem baby? You can't get much gother than that. The objects left behind by Victorian people would suggest they were obsessed with death, in a sentimental sort of way. My Victorian jewelery post will confim this! The stills are from Beetlejuice and 60's camp/cult classic Spiderbaby.
the first boots are insane (in a good way) though i'm sure i couldn't pull them off. also i want to marry the black boots, and yes! we need photos of that pin.
I love gothic style and I love Victorian style, so this is instantly my favorite post.
Here is an old school Gaycondo post you might like:
I feel like in many ways, we're still a pretty victorian society. I guess what i mean is that so many of our customs come from the victorian era! like wearing white on your wedding day! and everything having to do with, like, repressed sexuality and what-not. you know what i mean!
anyway, i am always hoping i'll find a weird victorian dead baby portrait for hella cheap somewhere. also, i want the top pair of boots, wow. THAT is fierce.
gatesca, you can get reall victorian boots on ebay for really not that much. the first pair obviously went for a lot because they are insane, but i think you can get authentic ones for under $30 for sure...wearing them is another story. i'm planning on buying some some day. actually, you can get an entire victorian outfit on ebay really cheaply...there is a surprising amount of edwardian and stuff shit around.
i love hair jewelery! so bizarre! i have written about it before. supposedly my mom was supposed to get me some for my college graduation but she never did.
dear simone, yes, i know what you mean! is wearing white on your wedding day a victorian convention?
i knew there was something creepy happening with that baby!
i love your interpretation. where is this door?
the door's just in my apartment. nothin' special!
it is not about money really, it's more about the fact that my feet are 8,5 - 9, and not only that! also i have like the most delicate feet ever, the kind that get blisters and stuff just but looking at them :/ i just own a pair of heel shoes (kinda victorian inspired) and i can walk on them just because they are a size 9 (but not 2 days in a row...)
loving your new shoes by the way!
This reminds me of that trend...I think it's called steampunk? Superweird. Anyways, love the blog!
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