Ugh. This looks like a factory reject. It's so lumpy and awkward. it has this weird pointed drop-waist with slight gathering towards the crotch. It is plaid, which seems like it may give in to chambray as the 90's fabric of the moment. This is definitely pretty 90's looking, though- I'm surprised they're not urging you to wear it with a bodysuit. Also, the model. She is going to die. Her thighs are like the size of my upper arms.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of the added bulk from layering two vests on top of each other. One always gets caught up in my batwings, the other stuck in the pleats of my acid washed shorts. That's why I'm so into this
double vest, with a menswear-inspired one on top, and a chambray one on the bottom. It's like those t-shirts with the front of a vest attached to the front. Kind of a mind-fuck. Chambray? What is chambray, you ask? Your dad probably has or had had a chambray shirt. If you shopped at The Gap from 1992-1996, you probably saw one tucked into a pair of tapered khakis. It's like denim, but more washed out. It's like denim without the integrity! Fore more on chambray, check out the pic below:

Like the garment above and below, this is "handmade" and "the color of the chambray may vary." Why is this something that they are supposedly hand-making? Is it special in any way besides being an adaptation of an outfit Jerry Seinfeld wore? Also, I see it's being worn with black lace leggings? Also, again,
these models do not look well. At
Here's another chambray piece, in case you can't get enough.

This is more just chambray inspired:

This is called a "
Tablecloth Dress" because apparently it's made from an old tablecloth. I am all for repurposing, but should the item really still
look like a tablelcloth? Like all of Urban's clothes, this is just so lank and sad. It looks like what Samantha the Victorian American Girl's orphan friend wore when she got sent to the orphan train. Actually, on second thought,
Nellie is dressed way cuter here and would probably never be caught dead in that thing.

This is called a "Slubby Cardigan" but I think it should be called a "schlubby" cardigan. God, why do people want to dress like this? Isn't there a soiled dishtowel laying around your house that you can drape over your shoulders instead of spending $58 on this thing?
All these clothes look like the physical embodiment of the word "depression." Seriously, at least Nu Rave had some pizazz, some color, some life! That's what's so scary about the 90's coming back- the 90's were, aside from an odd Spice Girl or Cher Horowitz, the lankest decade yet. Even the rock stars were
lank as hell! Everything was about not trying! It was the beginning of the end!!! If there's a 90's minimalism (aka the most boring fashion movement ever) resurgence I say fashion is officially dead!!!!
gaby and i went in to urban outfitters last weekend because it's been a while since we've gone in there to make fun of things. omg, they have these, like, babydoll vests that are made of patchwork flannel plaid shirts. SO GROSS.
also, please give those models a sandwich. so. gross.
Jeezus. Did you notice how you can't see the models faces? It's like the last page of Glamour where they put a black strip across the eyes of people who've committed "fashion crimes." Also, they probably don't want their family to know that they have an eating disorder. I mean, I literally gasped when I saw the links.
All those are pretty awesome.!! I used to shop at Urban Outfitters for fashion clothing.
Thanks, Karissa!!! I just love fashion clothing!!!
we're mad about skinny models? in 2009?
gee, i don't know if WE are, but it never fails to sadden ME that models this thin and unhealthy looking are used to sell/make the garments look "better" to teenagers, obviously the brand's main market.
i guess i am like totally out of touch though, since obviously if the critique has been made before it's now pointless to do so, right?
this post inspired me to eat something.
who wants legs that skinny? i swear clothes would sell me better if the girls looks more curvy and lush.
i guess its all the backlash from our country's fear of its morbid obesity crisis?
or something...
I do personally give credit to the babydoll trend before it was co-opted by the fashion industry. Tobi Vail from Bikini Kill and Kat Bjelland from Babes in Toyland looked pretty fierce in the not-really-trying kind of way. No one purposefully smears their red lipstick anymore...
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